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Mayor Tom Roach and All Members of the White Plains Common Council Endorse Senator Stewart-Cousins for Reelection

(White Plains) – Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins has been endorsed by White Plains Mayor Tom Roach and every member of the White Plains Common Council. The City of White Plains officials cited Senator Stewart-Cousins’ effectiveness as a legislator and responsiveness to the needs of White Plains as reasons for their support.

Senator Stewart-Cousins is running in the Democratic Primary on Thursday September 13. She is currently represents the 35th Senate District in the New York State Senate. She is also the Democratic Leader of the New York State Senate and is poised to become the first female majority leader in New York State history if Democrats win a majority in the November elections.

“Andrea has been a strong advocate for White Plains and a great partner in government to me as Mayor. Her approach is direct and inclusive and always accompanied by the belief that government can have a positive impact on people’s lives. I fully support Andrea for re-election to the State Senate,” said Mayor Tom Roach.

“Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins is the most accessible, knowledgeable and helpful representative for White Plains. Whenever we need help in Albany we call Andrea first. I am proud to endorse her for reelection,” said Common Councilmember Justin Brasch.

“Andrea is a thoughtful fighter for her constituents. She has always supported White Plains. I endorse her 100%,” said Common Councilmember Dennis Krolian.

“Now, when so much is threatened by Donald Trump we need strong representation in Albany. Andrea Stewart-Cousins is a leader always there to stand up for what’s right and work together with us for the betterment of White Plains,” said Common Councilmember John Kirkpatrick.

“We can always count on Andrea when it comes time to get things done. We need her leadership in Albany now more than ever! I am proud to endorse her for reelection,” said Common Councilmember John Martin.

“Time and again, Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins has delivered and has made a positive difference for the people of White Plains, serving our community with dedication and integrity. We need elected officials that support legislation to improve the lives of everybody and who is not intimidated by anyone. Please join me in support of Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins. Your vote on September 13th is important,” said Common Councilmember Milagros Lecuona.

“Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins is a democratic leader that consistently stands up for the people with progressive legislation, tackling tough issues like gun violence, education funding, and women’s healthcare rights. I support our Senator for re-election, because I know she stands for us!” said Common Councilmember Nadine Hunt-Robinson.

“I would like to thank my colleagues in the City of White Plains for their endorsements. It has been my distinct honor to serve as one of the city’s State Senators and I am proud of what my partners and I have been able to accomplish for our constituents here. Whether its increases in state education aid for the White Plains Public Schools, fighting on behalf of seniors, providing funds to revitalize the White Plains transit hub, or delivering state grants to support local organizations like ArtsWestchester, I have been a staunch advocate for White Plains. I look forward to continuing to serve my constituents here in partnership with my colleagues in the City of White Plains and in the State Legislature,” said Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins.
