Senator Stewart-Cousins remains a steadfast supporter of public education. As a public school graduate, parent of public school educated children and grandchildren, and a former public school teacher, the Senator understands that all children in New York State deserve to receive a quality education:
• Senator Stewart-Cousins has delivered massive increases in state funding to all public schools in her district.
• Senator Stewart-Cousins has consistently delivered funding for the Yonkers Public Schools, especially when they need it most.
• In 2018, Senator Stewart-Cousins fought and voted for a $1 billion increase in State education aid.
• Senator Stewart-Cousins is a strong supporter of the community schools model, which calls for wrap-around services to be provided to students and families in public school facilities.
• Senator Stewart-Cousins launched a program in her district to help young people learn how to code
• Senator Stewart-Cousins played a key role in creating the Excelsior Scholarship which provides eligible New York Students with free tuition at SUNY and CUNY schools